Maid of Honor in Holland
If someone is asking you to be their Maid of Honor, you will not say no.
In my opinion, if they ask you to be part of such a day, it means that they value you as a person and appreciate your attendance in their lives.
We were practically born in diapers together, so I felt blessed to share this memory with my oldest and dearest friend.
It was no surprise for anybody that this wedding was the only reason to end my time in Australia sooner then I had to. There was no way that I would miss this. For years, she had been talking about this (out of frustration from her boyfriend a.k.a now husband); her dream day.
This girl is the most honest and trustworthy person I know and I cherish that.

We were neighbours till we were about twelve years old.
As kids we lied, made silly games and learned from each other while growing up.
We built sandcastles; shared our lego; made up our own radio station; mixing tapes and sold our own hand-made-perfume from door to door. Ah well.. perfume? Crushed flowers (which we picked out of other peoples gardens) and mixed with water actually.
As teenagers, we played on the same hockeyteam and danced in the same group at a balletstudio.
We experienced teenage-drunks together and hit our first joint.
As young adults we both bought a house, went on visits and drunk thee.
And there we were, driving -28 years later- on our motorbike, to look for the perfect location for her wedding.
Before I started my cycle journey, I had the privilege to help her pick out the location for this day.
On a sunny Sunday, we drove across the area where she lived to see some veneus. Three in total.
It was awesome; driving back to back from each other like we did on our cycles when we were young.
For months, you have been talking about this with each other. For months, this was the main topic to discuss.
Finally, it was time.
The big day; which started at 6:00AM.
We all gathered at her dad’s house; the wedding planners (the two sisters), the Maids of Honor (me and a friend) and the hairstylist.
It felt so home-ish while we were all sitting at the same kitchen table. All a little nervous but mostly excited at the same time.
This wedding was the closest we had ever experienced. You don’t really know what to expect.
You know what your duties are but still.. What do I do?!
While me and the other Maid of Honor arrived, the bride was already in make-up. It takes some time to make a perfect coiffure right.
Seeing my friend getting even more beautiful then she already was -with a big smile on her face- made me feel so happy.
Me and the other girls were painting our nails; putting on some make-up and helped with the pre-photos of the dresses.

A good friend of mine was doing the photography of the wedding; which made it for me even more special.
I had two of my favourite people around me on this big day.
It is hectic but beautiful. I think it’s part of the whole day. Being prepared on time and make sure that everything goes by plan.
Normally, with a wedding, you just follow. But when you are part of the team; you have to make sure that other people follow you.
After that special moment that the bride and groom had seen each other for the first; it was time for the next stage of the day.

Me and my photographer drove to the location where we would make the wedding pictures of the couple; while de bride and groom went before us in their red Cadillac.
What a picture..
It’s funny though.
Normally you see the pictures -which are always stunning- and that’s it. But now, because you were there, I know that every picture had a story behind it. Casually, forced, uncomfortable (mostly for the groom) or just in a laid back setting.
Seeing my two friends -dressed up so smart and being happy with each other- made my heart skip a little beat. Because they are happy; you are.

The pictures were taken and the smiles could put on a rest for a while.
It was time for the official part..
The ceremonie
The music they picked fitted them as a couple.
Sitting at the side of the ceremony -being exposed that you are also a little special at this wedding- gives you a rush.
And nerves..
Not only us -the Maids of Honor- were nervous; also the guys who were sitting there for the groom. I was the last one who had to sign the papers and the pen was wet of nervous sweat! (And my hand was shaking)
Also a beautiful thing, that even the Honered people are nervous, just like the bride and groom. Thats love eh.

Funny fact
After the ceremony, we (the girls from the bride) had to drive to the second location; the dinner and party part. But because we were so in ‘the zone’, we were blindly following the bride and grooms Cadillac.. Totally in the wrong direction.
It was that they both turned around in their seats, looking at us from the back of the car and made a hand gesture; ‘What are you doing?’
It was a really funny moment and a good example of the fact that you are so living in a bubble on that day.
The location was partly decorated bij a friend of the couple and partly self-made by the bride herself. Which made it extra personal.
All the single ladies
A couple of weeks before the wedding we had -of course- a bachelorette party.
On this day, we learned how to twerk (well, at least we tried).
We thought it will be a good personal touch to the party if we showed a dance with the girls who were there that day.
So before hand, we had two rehearsals; one before the wedding (in a garage), and two at the wedding itself (in a glass meeting room).
We had to do this right.
So -with Beyonce in the background- they cleared the dance floor for us and we all tried to take our position.
It was so cool.
Standing on the dance floor -with one of your best friends in a wedding dress- dancing on Single Ladies from Beyonce.
It felt like a rush.
I was so proud of her. Of us.

Me and the other Maid of Honor decided that (while we were Honored) we shouldn’t get to drunk this night.
If the bride needed us; we needed to be there for her.
So we had a plan.
We agreed that we would tell each other if the other one needed some water (or stop drinking). We ordered at the same time and kept an eye on each other. Also this, a pact with a good cause, is a reminder how much this day also means for you.
Afterwards, the whole team slept in a hotel at the back of the location.
Because of this, we all had breakfast together in the morning. The most of us were hangover but satisfied with the day before.
What an experience.